Hi Viewers In this episode we talk about ‘How requirement gathering can help you build a successful app?’ We will touch upon the following topics: App Objectives Feature List Finer
Hi Viewers In this episode we talk about ‘How requirement gathering can help you build a successful app?’ We will touch upon the following topics: App Objectives Feature List Finer
Nesse vídeo vamos utilizar o app criado no PowerApps no nosso celular e usufruir da experiência proporcionada por essa tecnologia em conjunto com o Microsoft Flow. E ai…#BoraAprenderSharepoint ?? Visite
The user has been notified that they have a new report, the manager has updated some fields on their user record, they now want to add some roles and teams
Nesse vídeo vamos aprender a criar um PowerApp que será nossa interface para criar nossa solicitação de reembolso de despesas e disparar nosso workflow criado no Microsoft flow. E ai…#BoraAprenderSharepoint
So, after notifying the user that there is a new employee in their team, the manager needs to be able to update the data. Objectives The Scenario (Part 1) Notifying