Using Realtime Marketing from Dynamics 365 (Customer Insights – Journeys) gives you the ability to customise your emails, and using dynamic conditional content, set different variations based on field values.
Using Realtime Marketing from Dynamics 365 (Customer Insights – Journeys) gives you the ability to customise your emails, and using dynamic conditional content, set different variations based on field values.
The use case is to add multiple Dataverse users to a multiselect Person (or Group) column in SharePoint. Dataverse doesn’t support a multiselect Lookup column (to Users table), so I
Major companies have said that creativity is a focus for future growth and employee development but what does that mean, and how can a non creative person become more creative.
It’s been my observation that with a few notable exceptions, people in the Power Platform community primarily focus on Power Apps or on Power Automate. Lots of people will use
Not all times you will want to provide live chat opportunities for a customer to a real person. Self Service… Continue Reading admin’s Article on their blog No Title No