In case if you wanted to remove these characters CR LF from your Notepad++ file, Below the file menu, unselect the ‘Show all characters’ option. Continue Reading AnithaEswaran’s Article on
In case if you wanted to remove these characters CR LF from your Notepad++ file, Below the file menu, unselect the ‘Show all characters’ option. Continue Reading AnithaEswaran’s Article on
This is off-topic from my regular posts. Notepad++ is a handy tool which serves as source code editor. Being a developer, I use it for various purposes : Code reading,
We often use Notepad++ for easy editing which allows us to open multiples file simultaneously. It also helps a developer to edit the code as it recognizes popular coding languages.
I was working with some text the other day which included a lot of references using numbers in square brackets; I needed to remove this text and wanted an easy
I did a post a little while ago on changing the theme in Notepad++, which was brought about by preferring to use dark themes in a lot of apps (such