Exploring Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Power Platform with MVP Gulshan Shubham Passion meets expertise in the story of Gulshan Shubham. As a Senior Advisory Consultant at IBM, he’s
Exploring Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Power Platform with MVP Gulshan Shubham Passion meets expertise in the story of Gulshan Shubham. As a Senior Advisory Consultant at IBM, he’s
FULL SHOW NOTEShttps://podcast.nz365guy.com/476 Ready to unravel the world of Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Power Platform? Join us as we delve into an insightful conversation with our distinguished guest,
Mohammad Yasar on The MVP Show FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/468 • Mohammed discusses his role as a family man and how he spends quality time with his daughter.
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/468 Mohammed discusses his role as a family man and how he spends quality time with his daughter. Discover Mohammed’s secret to finding a healthy work-life
Ben den Blanken on The MVP Show Ben den Blanken shares his expertise on the Power Platform and how he keeps his team up to speed with the latest changes