FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/448 Find out about David Rivard’s approach to balancing work and family, his favourite winter activities, and the best food to try in Montreal, including the must-try
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/448 Find out about David Rivard’s approach to balancing work and family, his favourite winter activities, and the best food to try in Montreal, including the must-try
Christian Segurado on The MVP Show FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/447 • Christian Segurado talks about his family and background, growing up in Germany, and moving to the US on
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/447 Christian Segurado talks about his family and background, growing up in Germany, and moving to the US on a soccer scholarship. He shares what he does
William McLendon on The MVP Show FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/446 • William McLendon shares about his family and his love for food, particularly barbecue. They also discuss his reading
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/446 William McLendon shares about his family and his love for food, particularly barbecue. They also discuss his reading interests, which currently revolve around technology and customer