The USD Accelerator is a pre-build Unified Service Desk configuration aimed at helping speed your USD project. It comes in two version, one supporting the traditional Dynamics 365 web client
The USD Accelerator is a pre-build Unified Service Desk configuration aimed at helping speed your USD project. It comes in two version, one supporting the traditional Dynamics 365 web client
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 1.0 came out in 2003. A the time, it was named “Microsoft Business Solutions Customer Relationship Management 1.0” (learn more about the Dynamics CRM history in this
The apply process in Dynamics GP is different between the receivable and the payable modules, when payable transactions are fully applied they are “automatically” moved to history which means that
Workflow reporting is always important, it’s always required to track the workflow history of a specific purchase requisition, AP transaction, General Ledger batch …etc. Despite of the fact that this
Join David Singleton as he explains how Dynamics 365 based on NAV (Navision) got started from a development and software architecture. Be amazed to see how much of todays cloud