How GitHub can help in planning, building and deploying a podcast/blog site | Azure Thames Valley Chris is the producer and host of the podcast, He uses GitHub to
How GitHub can help in planning, building and deploying a podcast/blog site | Azure Thames Valley Chris is the producer and host of the podcast, He uses GitHub to
In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around #Azure, #DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris. He also explores #GitHub Copilot using Ruby and Python, looking into the
Show 37 – Part 1: Latest news including Windows 11, planning in Github & more information protection This week we are joined by the M365 Princess, independent Microsoft consultant, queen
In this session, Chris is joined by Karl Cooke – Implementation Specialist at Action Point Technology Group, Blogger at Chris and Karl talk all about how, diving deep
You have a working set of GitHub actions, but several environments that you want to deploy into. How do you easily separate secrets for use between environments, and ensure you