When using classic lists in Power Pages, we can select any view from a table to display in our portal, and this view can even be using values from related
When using classic lists in Power Pages, we can select any view from a table to display in our portal, and this view can even be using values from related
Ever used the List rows action and wanted to get records based on a related table’s data? FetchXML and Advanced Find are your friends! Original Post https://aretiiles.com/2023/11/12/powerautomate-dataverse-and-fetchxml-advanced-filtering-made-easy/
While playing around cards for Power Apps, I noted that the User Power Fx function that is used in Canvas Apps to detect the current user and get some information
Well, isn’t that an interesting question? Choice or Choices (previously optionsets) are funny little things, because, although they appear as items in a list generally, they are actually rows of
Hey guys, so I am at the very final stages of this timesheet app and to make it more interesting, I decided that some visualizations on the welcome screen based