Drag and Drop in #PowerApps #CanvasApps #ModelDrivenApps In this video, I’ll show you how to create a drag-and-drop interface in Canvas Apps and Custom Pages using the PowerDragDrop control. Download
Drag and Drop in #PowerApps #CanvasApps #ModelDrivenApps In this video, I’ll show you how to create a drag-and-drop interface in Canvas Apps and Custom Pages using the PowerDragDrop control. Download
issue: Table Sync Failed for Table: XXXtable. Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Table ‘XXX’: Converting Field ‘YYY’ of Type ‘AxTableFieldReal’ to ‘AxTableFieldInt’ is not supported. Please drop the original field, sync the table
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DocXtender from Insight Works is a free utility that enables users to attach documents to any page in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with a simple drag and drop. DocXtender
Drag and Drop As of now, BC still does not have an official way to do drag and drop for file. However, there is a hidden workaround it. When the