Flow is brilliant! Forms are a great tool! Both combined allow for some quick and easy data gathering. Let’s start by talking about Forms. Microsoft released Forms a year or
Flow is brilliant! Forms are a great tool! Both combined allow for some quick and easy data gathering. Let’s start by talking about Forms. Microsoft released Forms a year or
AA0001 There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. There must be exactly one space character
Though we are eagerly waiting for October 2018 Business central on-premise version and meanwhile we have news that Codeunit 1 (Application Management ) has been retired and new system
This is part-2 of my multi series blog about Delivering Dynamics 365 online (Customer Engagement) in the Enterprise. In my earlier blog (Part-1) I have written about Enterprise Design Thinking. This blog
Good code is like underwear. Simple, short and and a joy to look at #HoskCodeWisdom Developers write complex code because they don’t have enough time to write simple code. To