Two years ago I wrote a blog post (‘User attribute values lost in synchronization > Flow to the rescue: Manager‘) about how to use Power Automate flow to automatically set
Two years ago I wrote a blog post (‘User attribute values lost in synchronization > Flow to the rescue: Manager‘) about how to use Power Automate flow to automatically set
In this video, I go through how to update records with Multiselect optionsets dynamically in the CDS/D365 connector. Multiselect optionsets are stored/updated using values for the optionsets, not their labels;
In this video, I go through how to get optionset labels if you are using the “List records” action with a CDS/D365 connector. These labels are not available through dynamics
In this video, I go through how to get optionset labels if you are using the “Get Record” action with a CDS/D365 connector. These labels are not available through dynamics
In this video, I go through how to get optionset labels if you are triggering a flow with a CDS/D365 connector. These labels are not available through dynamics content, so