Nessa live que vai rolar em breve no canal CodeFC vamos falar essas três tecnologias seus prós e contras e qual cenário podemos utilizar cada uma delas quando pensamos em
Nessa live que vai rolar em breve no canal CodeFC vamos falar essas três tecnologias seus prós e contras e qual cenário podemos utilizar cada uma delas quando pensamos em
Dynamics 365 Developers = Canvas Developer with Joel Lindstrom Inside the latest episode of the Power Platform Show, Joel Lindstrom talks about his thoughts about people becoming app makers from
FULL SHOW NOTES An introduction about Joel Lindstrom and his passion Joel shares his story on his career journey Joel talks about his thoughts on the idea that
User Interface design for Canvas Apps with Clarissa Gillingham Listen to the latest episode of the Power Platform Show with Clarissa Gillinghamshares chat about her process around looking at her
FULL SHOW NOTES A fun introduction of an enthusiast and dedicated Power Consultant, Clarissa Gillingham A conversation about Clarissa’s way into Power Platform and how she ultimately gets