#52. For this special episode, I asked 15 industry leaders how they were coping with the coronavirus restrictions and what advice they’d give to their younger selves if their career
#52. For this special episode, I asked 15 industry leaders how they were coping with the coronavirus restrictions and what advice they’d give to their younger selves if their career
#73. Daryl LaBar and Jonas Rapp, co-hosts of the XrmToolCast join Neil Benson to answer the questions about how to document complex systems when asked to “devise a roadmap for
#69. In this episode, Andreas Dutz, Business Development Manager at HSO from Bavaria, Germany, asks, “Have you defined what agile means? Are your teams trained in the Agile Manifesto and
#48. My guest is Clément Olivier (https://www.linkedin.com/in/clemolivier/) from Javista (https://www.linkedin.com/company/javista-microsoft-dynamics-crm-and-social-crm-solutions/) in Nantes, France. Clément was recently awarded a Power Platform FastTrack Recognized Solution Architect (https://powerplatform.microsoft.com/en-us/fasttrack/recognized-solution-architects/) designation. He was one of
#29. Can you use a definition of done for a sprint? I outline six ideas for a definition of done for a user story and three ideas for a definition