We might get the below error while connecting to the Dataverse Web API using the client ID and client secret. AADSTS700016: Application with identifier ‘6d8ff73a-27ef-443c-b524-d8b69ae87580’ was not found in the
We might get the below error while connecting to the Dataverse Web API using the client ID and client secret. AADSTS700016: Application with identifier ‘6d8ff73a-27ef-443c-b524-d8b69ae87580’ was not found in the
There’s a new version and a new task for our release pipelines that use the Azure-hosted agents. These changes have been introduced recently to support the new MSAL authentication libraries
Recently we had a requirement to call graph API and CRM web API from custom code. Microsoft has provided us with the ADAL library to get the token from Azure