Hi everyone,
after the April features are available we can speak about configuration of Intelligent cloud for Business Central because now it allows you to have different database schema.
Intelligent cloud is functionality which allows on-prem users to take advantage of Business Central cloud solutions such as integration with AI, PowerPlatfrom, etc.
In this blog post I will describe how to setup connection between Business Central OnPrem and Business Central Online via Intelligent cloud.
First step which we need is to be sure that our database is at least at Compatibility Level: 130.
Next prerequisites is that we have at least one SQL user on that database, and that it is possible to connect to database with that user.
To start configuration we need to navigate to Business Central Online and search for the extension called Business Central Intelligent Cloud and install it.
Next step is to go to assisted setup and find Setup Intelligent cloud.
In next window we need to Accept warning and click on Next.
In next window we need to choose product.
From April release we have opportunity to integrate Dynamics NAV 2018 with Intelligent cloud, but for our purpose we need Dynamics 365 Business Central
Next step is to choose where our database is. My database is located on local SQL server so I choose SQL Configuration: SQL server.
In the SQL connection string I MUST specify following: Server=MYSQLSERVERNAMEINSTANCE;Database=MYDATABASENAME;User Id=SQLUSER;Password=PASSWORDFORSQLUSER;
and click on Next. From the following window I need to copy Authentication key, and click on Download the Self Hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR)
When download of SHIR is finished I need to install it with next-next finish and in window Register Integration Runtime (Self-Hosted) enter Authentication key and click on Register.
In new window I will get information about Integration runtime name and Integration runtime nodes where I can click Finish.
Now I will return to the Business Central and click on Next. In new window I will get list of all my companies available on my Business Central OnPrem installation. I can choose which company I want to replicate or select that I want all companies. And then click on Next.
In next window I need to specify (if I want) time when the replication will be scheduled and click on Next.
And that’s it, but now we still don’t have our Business Central OnPrem company in our Business Central Online.
Now to manually trigger the replication I will go to the Intelligent Cloud Management
And click Run Replication Now.
Business Central will create new entry in Intelligent cloud management window and we need to wait for the replication to be done.
What happened after the replication is over I will describe in my next blog post where I will analyze replication.
Renato 🙂
The post Setup Intelligent cloud for Business Central appeared first on fajdiga.info.
Original Post https://www.fajdiga.info/blog/2019/04/08/setup-intelligent-cloud-for-business-central/