Selecting a specific SharePoint Document Library to Upload Dynamics 365 Email Attachments using Teams Adaptive Cards

In my recent series of posts I covered how to implement a better integration between Dynamics 365 and SharePoint. One of the common scenarios that you will encounter if you’ve integrated the systems is the requirement to move Email Attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint. In my implementation a lot of my sites have more than one Document Library, and Users want to be able to select a…

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Selecting a specific SharePoint Document Library to Upload Dynamics 365 Email Attachments using Teams Adaptive Cards

In my recent series of posts I covered how to implement a better integration between Dynamics 365 and SharePoint. One of the common scenarios that you will encounter if you’ve integrated the systems is the requirement to move Email Attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint. In my implementation a lot of my sites have more…

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Author: Ryan Maclean

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