Power Pages: conditional display, site markers, and Liquid filters

Using Liquid in Power Pages allows you to create code to conditionally display both static and dynamic content based on certain conditions. A very simple example of this would be this piece of Liquid code that you can place in the source of a web page, web template, or a content snippet:

{% if user %}
  Hello {{ user.fullname }}
{% else %}
  Hello stranger
{% endif %} 

The above code…

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Power Pages: conditional display, site markers, and Liquid filters

Using Liquid in Power Pages allows you to create code to conditionally display both static and dynamic content based on certain conditions. A very simple example of this would be this piece of Liquid code that you can place in the source of a web page, web template, or a content snippet: {% if user…

Blog Syndicated with Nick Doelman’s Permission

Author: Nick Doelman

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