Power Apps Test Framework – Automated Testing – YouTube

Power Apps test framework enables you to build automated test cases for your Power Apps. This helps you ensure that your app changes don’t affect the other functionality of your app. In this example I’ll show how to use this framework address some of the current limitations of Power Apps test framework by using mock data for variables. I also show how to use the Assert statement to verify data or UI elements, form submission status and current screen as your test progresses, then demonstrate how the assertions work by causing the tests to fail.

This example is built upon an application I built in this video: https://youtu.be/qaHOrwgfe5Y

The Power Automate flow I use to take the TestCaseResults and post them to Teams is in Github here: https://github.com/mostness/5MPP-Flow-TestCaseReults-To-Teams/blob/master/SendTestAutomationFrameworkResultsToTeams_20200321221203.zip


Author: Phil Topness

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