Do you use the App onstart to set a lot of variables? And then do you repeat this same within other places of the app to keep things up to date? The new named formulas in App.Formula might be a better option.
To enable Named functions you can go to the Settings in your app. Then switch on the Named formula feature. Notice that this feature is still experimental, but it is a great feature to try out ( in non production apps)
Now you can configure within App.Formulas using lines of code like this:
X = CountRows(List)
It might look like there isn’t much of difference between the Set and the ‘=’ assignment. But there is!
With the Set function you will set a value to a variable. This means that every time you want the variable to be updated you will have to rerun the code.
With Named functions you don’t have to do this. As your data changes ( in my example the datasource List), the value given by the Named function will automatically change. So in the earlier example as the List is updated and refreshed, the value of X will automatically be updated too.
That is one thing less to worry about in your app.
Continue Reading Pieter Veenstra’s Article on their blog
Named formulas in Power Apps using App.Formulas
Do you use the App onstart to set a lot of variables? And then do you repeat this same within other places of the app to keep things up to date? The new named
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