Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

We all knew it was a matter of time before the old UI would be replaced, and soon we are one major step closer to being rid of everything old UI.👏🏼👍🏼

The old Advanced Settings that so many people are used to navigating is about to get a new look, and this time as a separate APP. APP you say… Well, yes.. Just like the Sales HUB configuration, lots of parameters are not typical records in a…

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Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

Summary: The old UI is being replaced with a new look for Advanced Settings, accessible as a separate app. Although currently in preview and only available in the USA, it will soon be released. Skepticism arises due to the loss of Advanced Find and Classic Solution config, which are preferred for their functionality and familiarity.

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Author: Thomas Sandsør

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