Ribbon Editor Updates: Hide/Show Buttons and Customize NEW Button

Ribbon Editor Updates: Hide/Show Buttons and Customize NEW Button

Since my last post Advanced Settings Facelift was about old things getting a facelift, I thought I would be ok to continue on another similar post. This time it’s about the good old ribbon. It’s no news that the ribbon is possible to edit in the make.powerapps view, but we all know that the functionality there has been so poor that you mostly end up customizing the buttons in the good old

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Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

We all knew it was a matter of time before the old UI would be replaced, and soon we are one major step closer to being rid of everything old UI. The old Advanced Settings that so many people are used to navigating is about to get a new look, and this time as a separate APP. APP you say… Well, yes.. Just like the Sales HUB configuration, lots of parameters are not typical records in a… Continue Reading Thomas...

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ACDC 2024 – Why this is the ultimate hackathon

ACDC 2024 – Why this is the ultimate hackathon

It’s almost been 3 weeks since the hackathon and I am a bit late on my summary of experiences. February has been hectic, but better late than never I have written about ACDC earlier and they all have a bit of a different perspective each time that I participate:ACDC 2021 – SummaryACDC 2022 – SummaryACDC 2023 – Summary This hackathon provides the most unique learning experience for… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Teams Meetings Corrupted in Dynamics 365 Client Sync

Teams Meetings Corrupted in Dynamics 365 Client Sync

Recently faced an issue where Microsoft Team meetings were corrupted when synchronized with Dynamics 365 via App for Outlook. Before Tracking Look at the Teams Meeting link. Everything seems ok before tracking After Tracking The tracking link got corrupted for some strange reason. Solution I had to contact support to better understand the problem, and the solution… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – RegEx

Plugins 4 Dummies – RegEx

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos In this next video, we cover how to work with RegEx. RegEx let’s us manipulate text variables in a way that standardizes output. Example could be to remove all names from “firstname.lastname@company.com” -> where the desired output would be “@company.com“. Go ahead and give it a try with the sample code I have on my GitHub page <div… Continue...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Currency

Plugins 4 Dummies – Currency

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos In this next video, we cover how to work with Currencies. While you may think it’s similar to Integers, it’s surprisingly quite different. Luckily all of this code is premade so you can copy/paste it from my GitHub page. Again using the A + B = C example. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Currency The provided content is a...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Integers

Plugins 4 Dummies – Integers

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos This will be the first visual plugin for the end user. Here we will learn how to work with integers that are added together. A + B = C. It’s a simple yet powerful understanding of how the logic of a backend code works. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Integers The content discusses the first step in understanding plugins,...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Alerts

Plugins 4 Dummies – Alerts

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos The very first running plugin will be the alert. I chose this because of the very important lesson of knowing what data you are working with. Once you master alerts you have the tools you need to create more advanced functions. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Alerts The content discusses the first step in understanding plugins,...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Solution Import

Plugins 4 Dummies – Solution Import

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos One of the most important things to succeed when developing is the development environment. Once you have control over this, you will be able to produce lots of cool things! This shows how to download my FREE solution on GitHub so you can get your own developer environment with the correct data. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies –...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Visual Studio

Plugins 4 Dummies – Visual Studio

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos In this video, we create the very first project in Visual Studio. If you are not a developer this might seem a bit scary, but I promise you it’s not!! Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Visual Studio The content involves a video guide from Plugins 4 Dummies which explains the process of creating the very first project in Visual...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Installation

Plugins 4 Dummies – Installation

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos Installing all tools necessary for creating our very first plugins. Most of these tools are well-known for most, but I cover them for anyone that is new to the platform. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Installation This post discusses the installation process for tools essential to create plugins, particularly for beginners new to...

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Plugins 4 Dummies – Introduction

Plugins 4 Dummies – Introduction

Click here to view all Plugins 4 Dummies Videos There are many reasons why code is still very relevant. In this video, I share with you all of my thoughts on this particular topic. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog Plugins 4 Dummies – Introduction Code remains relevant due to numerous factors. In a video, I delve into this matter extensively. Blog Syndicated with Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Edge profiles switching?

Edge profiles switching?

This is not a CRM post, but a post about being a consultant and problems that might occur. If you updated to the most recent version of Edge (September 2023) you might be jumping between profiles in Edge when entering different sites like:admin.powerplatformportal.azuremake.powerapps ETC There is actually a setting in EDGE where you can turn this off. Having way too many customer profiles,… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Security Roles – The 3 Phases

Security Roles – The 3 Phases

Security Roles the least fun part about Power Platform – Dataverse / Dynamics 365. I would rather use hours finding the right ICON for every single custom entity. Yet security roles happen to be the pilar of why our platform is so much more powerful than other technical platforms. I find that my approach to security roles almost always ends up the same way when I deliver new solutions…. Continue Reading Thomas...

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Enforcements on the horizon, hold on to the DEV’s?‍♂️?‍♀️

Enforcements on the horizon, hold on to the DEV’s?‍♂️?‍♀️

In the era of Low Code why on earth am I suddenly an advocate for the Pro Code scene? Well… There are changes coming that should make you think before putting all your eggs in one basket. Did you by any chance get to read the recent blog from Alex Shlega ? <- read here! Alex talks about upcoming changes/limits to Power Platform. At first I thought this was an issue not related to API… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Code is code – You are a developer! ?

Code is code – You are a developer! ?

For those of me who follow me on twitter and other media, I recently posted out a few questions to trigger some conversation about code. Specifically it was JavaScript code for a functional consultant. The feedback was extremely varied, and that was my hope. I of course have an opinion on the matter, but didn’t want to voice it before I heard what people in general feel about the subject. <img...

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Dynamics 365 – Adding products issue

Dynamics 365 – Adding products issue

This might be the dumbest blog in a while, but I am adding it in case others have problems with the same issue. Recently I needed to add new products to the product table of Dynamics, and the buttons for adding the products/families were gone. I of course had to look at the documentation in case there was something obvious I was missing. The documentation only wanted to ensure that… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Dev Environments Dataverse

Did you recently see the update from Power CAT announcing the 3 dev environments pr user?!?! The topic of more than one dev environment has been discussed in several forums over the last years, but finally, it is here. Go check out the video on YouTube about the details: In short a few key takeaways: 3 Dev environments PR user 2 GB of data pr environment (does not count against… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on...

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ACDC 2023 – The ultimate learning Hackathon

In just a few days Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge is going to kick off at Soria Moria hotel in Norway. This is a hackathon that gathers the best of the best within Dynamics / Power Platform / Azure / .NET / M365 etc. The main reason why I haven’t been so active blogging lately about CRM is that this has been my main focus! I am really excited and proud to be a part of the ACDC team We… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Dynamics 365 AI code with ChatGPT

Dynamics 365 AI code with ChatGPT

By now I am sure most of you have heard about ChatGPT. The AI product is pouring out surprisingly intelligent responses to all sorts of questions that people all around the world have given it lately. There have been examples of the tool writing papers for school, creating blog posts for people, and helping formulate fairly complex text for webpages and marketers. One thing that someone… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Custom Page – Opportunity Close Solution Download

Custom Page – Opportunity Close Solution Download

Initially, I was just going to explore some possibilities with Custom Pages, but decided to make a solution out of it instead. This way you can just download the solution and do the required modifications for your project (GIPHY API key), and you are good to go I am really excited to hear your feedback after seeing/trying this out, and hopefully, I will be able to make it a lot better in… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Custom Page – Teams Integration

Custom Page – Teams Integration

Did you think my last post was the final stage of the “Custom Page – Win Notification“? Of course not!! We have one more important step to complete the whole solution. I am all about salespeople being able to boast about their sales. If you meet a salesperson who doesn’t love to brag about closing, are they even in sales? Communication is key when you work in organizations of any size… Continue Reading...

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Custom Page – GIF for the win?

Custom Page – GIF for the win?

Most of you might know by now that I am a huge fan of GIF’s. I have written about GIF’s earlier when trying to motivate sales people, and I thought I would turn it up one notch! Last post I wrote was about the opportunity close dialog. It was functional, but not exciting. It is still 100% more feedback friendly than the Microsoft OOTB functionality, but it’s a little boring now that… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Custom Page – Close Dialog Logic

Custom Page – Close Dialog Logic

In the last post, we created a new close dialog, but we didn’t add any logic to the buttons. Logic – Fields and Buttons The most important parameter we send in via JavaScript last time was the GUID of the record that we are going to work with. The first thing we do is add an onload to the app and perform a lookup as the very first step. This will give us all of the data for that… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Custom Page – Open Page with Ribbon Button

Custom Page – Open Page with Ribbon Button

I am using Dynamics 365 as an example, but the process will be the same for Power Apps. Only difference is that Dynamics 365 has the Opportunity table that we are wanting to use. If you want to learn more about Custom pages I suggest you look at the following posts:Scott DurrowLisa CrosbyMCJMicrosoft Custom Pages I have also added the simple button setup to Github, if you just want to… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Ribbon Button – Custom Page / Dialog

Ribbon Button – Custom Page / Dialog

The deprecation of Dialogs has been discussed WAAAY too many times, and I still feel there is a gap for simple dialogs that would do lots of magic. A while back Microsoft introduced Custom Pages as one option to solve this missing piece, but simplicity is just not there yet. I have been reviewing lots of great material from fellow MVP’s to study up a bit on the topicMCJ – Custom Page… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Custom Page Multiple Screens

Custom Page Multiple Screens

Custom pages can only have one screen… Right? No, actually they can have multiple screens like a normal Canvas App I was a bit surprised when learning this, because I have been told that there only was one screen pr Custom Page. Turns out that Microsoft only reccomends one screen pr Custom Page, because they want to isolate the pages better, and rather navigate betweeen custom pages. In… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Dynamics 365 – Conversation Intelligence ?

Dynamics 365 – Conversation Intelligence ?

I could write a long post with lots of screenshots from the Conversation Intelligence, but I will be linking to the Microsoft DOC’s article in this post. It is really well written and summarized pretty much everything that I would want to say. Docs Conversation Intelligence Instead I will show the product in action via YouTube A huge thank you to Kai Stenberg for making this… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article...

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CRM 19 – Welcome to Norway?

CRM 19 – Welcome to Norway?

By accident I was clicking around in the Power Platform Admin Center new environments. This is when I Noticed that Norway is now on the list!! The environment URL was CRM19.dynamics.com , and that is really cool for all the nerds out there eagerly awaiting the entry of Norwegian Dynamics / Power Apps possibilities. I was really excited at first to have a look at it, but I do… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on...

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Dynamics Customer Service Solution 2.0

Dynamics Customer Service Solution 2.0

A while back I released a Customer Service solution to get a DEMO or Simple production system up and running withing an hour. Due to recent updates to email to case and templates, the solution I had created failed every time on installation. After a few weeks with Microsoft Support we sorted it out, and the solution is back working again! Remember to get the latest version (18 or… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article...

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AI Builder + Lobe

AI Builder + Lobe

During the recent Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge Hackathon I was playing around with AI Builder for the first time. The scenario we were going to build on there was the detection of Good buy / Bad guy. The idea was that the citizens would able to take pictures of suspicious behavior. Once the picture was taken, the classification of the picture would let them know if it was safe or not…. Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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ACDC 2022 – Summary

ACDC 2022 – Summary

I just participated in a 3 day hackathon ACDC 2022 (arcticclouddeveloperchallenge.net) and it was one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters I have had in MANY years. Let me just paint the picture first.. ACDC is a yearly hackathon where the best of the best in Norway gather to explore the Dynamics/Power Platform/M365/Azure platforms, creating stellar products. What makes it different… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Azure Authenticator APP Backup

Azure Authenticator APP Backup

I know I know.. This post is nothing near Power Platform or Dynamics, but it’s just a friendly reminder that you need to check you backup of the Azure Authenticator App on your phone. I don’t really feel the need to explain what the app is, because I expect everyone reading my blog to be aware of the application on some shape or form (private and business). As a consultant your application… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Business Unit Name Change

Business Unit Name Change

Something small, but yet useful. Thank you Tanguy for the tip As you probably figured out the Default Business unit name is something you can’t change OOTB after you have created a CRM/Dataverse environment. If you are not careful when creating a new environment the org name will be set for you, and that is also when the Business Unit Name is set. This can result in the following… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Power Apps Pay As you GO!!?

Power Apps Pay As you GO!!?

When Microsoft introduced Azure for the Microsoft public, it was a new way of thinking. We were suddenly paying for what we needed and when we needed it. Amazon had been there for a long while, but for Microsoft customers this was a new way of thinking. After a skeptical start, this model has really become somewhat of a system standard. As of today Power Platform will be available on Azure… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Dynamics 365 Sales Adaptive Card?

Dynamics 365 Sales Adaptive Card?

Doesn’t matter how many times you tell a salesperson that input of data is important. They will always ask you what’s the output that I can look forward to. A few years back I remember gamification being important, but you normally need high volume of sales + many sales reps for it to be any fun. So in the constant pursuit of having some fun with sales I managed to find a new way of spreading… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Dynamics 365 App for Outlook button

Dynamics 365 App for Outlook button

Tiny blog for a tiny button This is only relevant if you have users that work in Outlook Web. Every now and then I do encounter a few Apple users that prefer the Outlook Web, even though it works well with Outlook for Mac. Outlook client If you use the Outlook client you know the button from the ribbon. Click the button do load the client. Outlook Web. OOTB the Dynamics… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their...

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?Update? Automatic record creation rules NOW!

?Update? Automatic record creation rules NOW!

If you are using email to case, SLA or any Automatic Record Creation in classic you really need to update your rules ASAP to the new UI. I can’t seem to fin the message in the make.powerapps.com, but it’s one of the first messages that appear when opening the classic editor in solutions. This post is not going to comment the pros/cons of the old vs the new. I will have to come back… Continue Reading Thomas...

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SSIS – Dataverse for Teams DV4T

SSIS – Dataverse for Teams DV4T

Earlier I wrote about connecting SSIS to Dataverse for Teams. At the time of writing the article it was not possible to connect to DV4T via KingsWaySoft and SSIS. Dataverse for teams DV4T – Exploring Data Migration – CRM Keeper I wrote about the theme because I still think it is highly important to merge some data to DV4T in some business scenarios from a Dataverse table. DV4T is… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article...

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The rise of the Galleries?

The rise of the Galleries?

By now I hope most people know the https://pcf.gallery (run by Guido Preite). A great page for sharing community components (PCF) and exposing awesome contributions to the rest of the world. What I like about the PCF Gallery is the simplicity of the site only being about PCF components. This is why I asked Guido if we could create a similar site for other components regarding the Power… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Dynamics 365 Case add new contact missing

Dynamics 365 Case add new contact missing

Recently I had this happen twice without really knowing why. The add new contact button was missing on the case form. In the old UI it was present, but in the new UI it was gone. Problem Luckily support found out that this is caused by the contact field containing some old “metadata”. All you have to do is remove it and add it back. FIX As you see here we have added the… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Dynamics / Dataverse Environment Variables in Power Automate

Dynamics / Dataverse Environment Variables in Power Automate

There have been several posts on the environment variables, but I think Microsoft just released a pretty GREAT update recently. I honestly don’t have a clue when this function was released, but it made my day a LOT easier:) Basics When moving solutions from system A to system B we often have hardcoded values in workflows/flows/javascripts etc. These cause problems because the fields… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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Power Automate – finding Dataverse environment URL

Power Automate – finding Dataverse environment URL

There are many ways of getting the current environment URL, but this is the quick and dirty version of doing just this Next week I will post about Environment variables as I know this is a possible approach that is better. The intention about this blog is to show how to use Json to parse just a small part of an action body to get what you want exposed. Power Automate So this… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on...

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Dynamics 365 Teams Document Locations – Where art thou??‍♂️

Dynamics 365 Teams Document Locations – Where art thou??‍♂️

Even though we all wish it wasn’t so, Document Locations still rule the integrations between Dynamics 365 and SharePoint. I’m not saying that I have a better idea what would be a smarter way of solving it, but it all seems a bit “2011” ish. Last week I encountered a problem with the Document Locations for Temas, and I was surprised when I couldn’t find them in the Document Locations at… Continue...

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Dynamics 365 + Teams integration error

Dynamics 365 + Teams integration error

Recently ran into a problem with the Teams integration OOTB, where the integration continuously threw an error after connecting the Dynamics record to the Teams. This is a pretty Vanilla environment, so I couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong. I obviously could see that the URL was wrong, but I didn’t understand WHY it was wrong.

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Dynamics / Power Apps + Office App Launcher

Dynamics / Power Apps + Office App Launcher

Launching a new app or launching a new CRM system always leaves the users with the same question. Where do I find the application? At first I didn’t really understand the question, because I thought it was natural to bookmark the URL to your application ie https://www.company.crm4.dynamics.com/***** etc. Eventually I realized that most users are actually using the waffle menu in office 365… Continue Reading Thomas...

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Dynamics 365 form or advanced find images error

Dynamics 365 form or advanced find images error

This post is almost not relevant any more due to the fact that we all will be pushed into the make.powerapps experience in “the fullness of time”, but I will still be using the classic viewer for the foreseeable future From time to the images can get distorted due to unknown reasons. This is not a big deal as the buttons still work, but can be annoying for the users. You might have seen… Continue Reading Thomas...

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ACDC 2021 – Final delivery

ACDC 2021 – Final delivery

My last post described the ACDC hackathon and what it’s all about, but this post is what our company ended up delivering for the Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge after 2 1/2 days of pure geeking Meet the Team Area: Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Developer, Power Apps Areas: Dynamics 365, Power Apps, Developer, Areas: Microsoft 365, Azure, Developer Areas:… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s Article on their blog ACDC 2021...

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ACDC 2021 – Hackathon summary

ACDC 2021 – Hackathon summary

WOW… Simply WOW. It’s the best way to summarize this years hackathon. Normally this 3 day hackathon is situated in the beautiful hill of Holmenkollen, but this year we were forced to go online for obvious reasons. One little difference we did do was to open up for teams to gather locally at their companies offices. This way we could add a social factor within safety regulations without… Continue Reading Thomas...

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DataFlows – Customer lookup fix?

DataFlows – Customer lookup fix?

I have allready posted about the Customer Lookup, but there is a bug ATM that will prevent you from setting the customer lookup correctly. Luckily Microsoft has provided us with a workaround while they figure out how they wan to support polymorphic lookups like Customer in dataflows The Problem When trying to map customer lookup you won’t be able to see the correct lookup in the… Continue Reading Thomas Sandsør’s...

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