PowerApps Magic 8 Ball
Using: Accelerometer & Canvas Components
In this 14 minute video, I create a Magic 8 Ball that uses the device’s accelerometer to behave as a real Magic 8 Ball would. I’ve also used a preview capability, Canvas Components, to build the center of the 8 ball. I’ve tried to adhere to the recommended naming conventions (link below) throughout the build.
I was lucky enough to find an 8 ball graphic to use on this site: https://www.psdgraphics.com/psd-icons/psd-eight-ball-icon/ and from https://us.fotolia.com/
Naming conventions: https://pahandsonlab.blob.core.windows.net/documents/PowerApps%20canvas%20app%20coding%20standards%20and%20guidelines.pdf
Download this solution from Github: https://github.com/mostness/5MPP-Magic8Ball
The demo uses these message, but feel free to make your own!
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