I love doing these, these being – EVENT SUMMARIES, no longer called 'event write-ups' because I now like to give myself the option of doing little doodle snippets of the sessions and the event.
So a lot of you will know that the Scottish Summit is no longer necessarily in Scotland…the organisers are taking the pink and purple-themed summit on tour. The start of this tour was in Manchester at the UA92 venue. I must say that this venue was spot on in my opinion. Great space on two floors and great room sizes.
My journey started on Friday 4th Aug at 10am, when I set off towards Manchester in my car. Naively thinking it would only take 5 hours, I rocked up after 6 pm at my apartment booking. KNACKERED. Sat in my car for a bit because there were loads of young lads hanging out at the front of the block of flats :/
Eventually, I followed an elderly couple inside the building as they were visiting their daughter. The flat was nice.
I made sure everything was ready for the morning. I showered and did my hair. MY GOD, MANCHESTER WATER IS GLORIOUS! My hair thanks you very very much.
Charged up my camera because my brother had told porkies about having charged it up for me before giving it back, and had also not cleared the SD card. Typical.
I made sure my laptop was charged and then listened to some of the 'Smartless' podcast – so funny.
The next morning, I was up at 7 am, and once I was ready and had collected my giant tech trump card, I booked an Uber as it was pouring down with rain. When I got to the venue, I was shown where I would be able to set up my Tech Trump Card activity and got it all laid out.
I was only there for an hour in the morning, an hour-ish at lunch, and I'd brought the card downstairs for an hour at the end. I did however manage to get 16 people to join in. It was fun watching people as they wrote on the card. I found it interesting to see how people reacted to the invisible pressure they had (themselves) placed on activity. It made me wonder about the differences between doing the online form and answering the questions and doing it on a large foam board card in person. Obviously, the process isn't the same. There were no interview questions for the activity like there are for the online form and I tend to write about them in the blurb bit, rather than them writing a message, note, or drawing. And the time taken to complete the activity in person is much quicker than the time that can be taken doing the online form. Plus you aren't doing the online form in front of everyone and you don't have people making comments about your answers. Also, people worry about the photos being taken, whereas they have the choice online as to whether you use their LinkedIn photo or if they want to provide another.
I found it very enjoyable to see other people write the blurb for the person doing the activity. The card was passed around and it was wonderful to watch.
I have decided to add the photos to the Tech Trump Card collection by making them into 'SHINYS' – you know like the football card 'shinys' you used to get?!
They have the Scottish Summit logo on so that you can see which event they came from and they should be big enough for you to read what's been written on them, once clicked on. Please see them below.
The Scottish Summit on tour 2023 Giant Tech Trump Card 'Shinys' Edition.
Thank you to everyone that took part.
If you would like to connect with anyone above on LinkedIn, you can find the links attached to their Tech Trump Cards in the full collection here:Tech Trump Cards | Webb Side Story (laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com)
Right now for the sessions…
See if you can decipher the doodles and notes.
3 sessions were seen by me.
Kelly Simpson – D365 Marketing – the real working world benefits for the marketing department.
Philippa Comley and Foz Jan from Conspicuous – 6 steps to address the D365 talent shortage and a few proven solutions.
Chris Huntingford, Arif Rahman, and Stephen Crow from ANS – Architecting Ecosystems and low code world-building.
I hope you enjoyed this post and if you were there, I hope you enjoyed the event as much as I did. These sessions were fab and as you can see, I took a lot away from them.
And to finish off this post…
Those that went to my session on the 5th Aug – PowerPoint for Power Apps – tips and tricks would have had the delight of getting access to my first PowerPoint tutorial and worksheet.
I now want to share that with the rest of you.
Link buttons worksheet | PowerPoint Tutorials (laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com)
This will be the first of many. I will do these tutorials based on the information I've shared in my presentation, and then move on to other areas in PowerPoint.
Download a copy of the worksheet, watch my YouTube video, and I hope you come away having learned something.
Well, that's all folks. 🙂
Thank you for reading, looking, listening…
I can't wait for the next Scottish Summit event.
Check Laura Webb’s original post https://laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com/webbsidestory/post/laura-s-visual-take-on-the-scottish-summit-on-tour-2023 on laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com which was published 2023-08-08 21:31:00