Immediate Partial/Full Payment when receiving a new Sales Order (as a Deposit)

,The ratio between online/in-person sales for most of the businesses were changing in recent years. In some Retail businesses based mostly in-person stores, COVID-19 brings to our mind the expression “From Zero to Hero to online business” as a large part of the physical stores were closed several months.

,A lot of companies focus their energy to have the online channel open in record time: a…

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Immediate Partial/Full Payment when receiving a new Sales Order (as a Deposit)

The ratio between online/in-person sales for most of the businesses were changing in recent years. In some Retail businesses based mostly in-person stores, COVID-19 brings to our mind the expression “From Zero to Hero to online business” as a large part of the physical stores were closed several months.

Blog Syndicated with maique00’s Permission

Author: José Miguel Azevedo

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