{How to} enable record ownership across Business Units in Microsoft Dataverse

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to share new feature which allows a user to access another business unit records.
Lets gets started.
Before we dive into the new feature we need to understand about the “Hierarchical data access structure”.
Hierarchical data access structure:

when do we use hierarchical structure, when data and user are compartmentalized in a tree like hierarchy.

Suppose we have three business units including a ROOT Business unit at the top.
When we associate a user with this environment, we can set the user to be in one of the three business units and assign a security role from the business unit to the user.
When a user creates a record is determined by the business unit associated user. With the association it allows us to craft the security role which allows the user to see records in the respective business unit.
User A is associated with Divison A and assigned a security role Y from Division A.  This will allow User A to access the…

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Author: Malla Reddy Gurram

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