How to Enable Auditing for a Dynamics 365 CE Environment Online?

The auditing feature logs changes that are made to customer records and user access so you can review the activity later. The auditing feature is designed to meet the auditing, compliance, security, and governance policies of many regulated enterprises.

The following operations can be audited:

  • Create, update, deactivate, and delete operations on records.
  • Changes to the sharing privileges of a record.
  • The N:N association or disassociation of records.
  • Changes to security roles.
  • Audit changes at the entity, attribute, and organization level. For example, enabling audit on an entity.
  • Deletion of audit logs.
  • For changes made to entity fields that can be localized, such as the Product entity name or description fields, the locale ID (LCID) appears in the audit record.

System administrators and System Customizers can Start or Stop auditing for an Organization/ Environment.

In this article, will explain about Enabling the Auditing feature for a Dynamics 365 CE Online…

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Author: Arun Potti

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