“GENERIC METHOD” | Brilliant or Anti Pattern?

I’ve been in doubt if I should write this post or not. Read it fast as it may disapear if I regret writing it.

Ever since I started working with Navision, almost 25 years ago, I’ve had my own little stuborn ideas. These ideas got me where I am today, but just as often they got me in big trouble and caused personal relationships to shatter right before my eyes.

I wrote a lot about the…

Continue Reading Marije Brummel’s Article on their blog

“GENERIC METHOD” | Brilliant or Anti Pattern?

I’ve been in doubt if I should write this post or not. Read it fast as it may disapear if I regret writing it. Ever since I started working with Navision, almost 25 years ago, I’ve had my own little stuborn ideas. These ideas got me where I am today, but just as often they…

Blog Syndicated with Marije Brummel’s Permission

Author: Marije Brummel

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