FetchXML Magic πŸ”₯ Aggregations – Basics

Recently I had a few cases in working with Power Automate and Dataverse Plugins where I had do stuff like sums and other things related to many records. Until I mostly gone the probably “most simple” way: Fetching all relevant records and iterate through them and do the calculation that was needed. Works okay but always felt a bit cumbersome πŸ€”
This time I wanted to try something new I…

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FetchXML Magic πŸ”₯ Aggregations – Basics

Recently I had a few cases in working with Power Automate and Dataverse Plugins where I had do stuff like sums and other things related to many records. Until I mostly gone the probably “most simple” way: Fetching all relevant records and iterate through them and do the calculation that was needed.

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Author: Mats Necker

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