Create parent and child records with a single WebAPI call in Power Pages

If you want to create a record with its child records in Power Pages, there is no way to do it using out of the box forms. But you can do it using JavaScript Power Pages Web API, and with a single Web API call.

In this blog post we will use the example of creating an Account with 2 child Contacts in Power Pages.


How to setup the request

In your JavaScript code, define a variable or constant with the object you want to submit.

This needs to contain all the fields from the parent object (account) and the array of child objects (contacts) under a property with the…

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SharePoint and Office 365 Consultant/Developer always trying to get the best from Microsoft stack (Microsoft 365/Azure/Power Platform and related stuff).

Living in Ireland since 2018, I had previously worked in Brazil as a consultant/developer for Office 365, SharePoint and related technologies for almost 10 years.

Author: michelcarlo

SharePoint and Office 365 Consultant/Developer always trying to get the best from Microsoft stack (Microsoft 365/Azure/Power Platform and related stuff). Living in Ireland since 2018, I had previously worked in Brazil as a consultant/developer for Office 365, SharePoint and related technologies for almost 10 years.

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