In software we’ve invented all kinds of terminology to make it sound as if removing a feature is great. Terms like sunsetting and retirement give you a great feeling. Who
In software we’ve invented all kinds of terminology to make it sound as if removing a feature is great. Terms like sunsetting and retirement give you a great feeling. Who
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Learning Kick Off Event – Italy 14-06-2018 09:00 – 16:15 @Microsoft Italy, Milano, Viale Pasubio 21, 20154 Milano Event Language: Italian “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is
I haven’t been blogging much, lately. But in my defence – I put quite some time in another community project, which I blogged about in my previous post (and will
After the full stage 1, I’ll wait you tomorrow again in Microsoft Italy in Milan for the second slot of this 2 day Solution Developer / Architect oriented workshop. We’re
You’ve developed a marvellous ? extension for Dynamics 365 Business Central and tested it on your development sandbox without problems. Now, you try to deploy it to a production environment via