D365 HR 2021 | Wave 2: Release Notes

D365 HR 2021 | Wave 2: Release Notes

WOW! What a release! I’m happy about this one as LOT of new features were added and we also have some BIG news. Let’s surf this wave together 🙂 Areas of focus: HCM ecosystem: keep opening it through integration APIs and strategic partnerships. Employee experience: delivering a better experience and migrating it to workflow(s). 3. App unification: simpler and better ALM tooling and… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Introduction: License

Introduction: License

The current licensing on Dynamics 365 Human Resources (as it is in July 2021) is as standard $120 per user per month if HR is your only Dynamics 365 app. If you have other apps and those same users will have access to HR, the cost is $30 per user per month. You must have a minimum of 5 full licenses of HR. License Self service licence That cover the users that needs the full access… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article...

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Task management: Apply checklists to a worker

Task management: Apply checklists to a worker

After you’ve done all of the setup of task management, you can now start using the checklists. There are several ways of doing that in D465 HR, here are four ways. You can apply a checklist via the people workspace, find the worker you want to add the list to, click more (…), and you can select a checklist. People workspace You can also select checklist on a worker, in the… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on...

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Task management: Onboarding/Offboarding/Transitions

Task management: Onboarding/Offboarding/Transitions

Dropdown to choose task management In task management you have access to onboarding, offboarding and transitions. If you want to see the different tasks in the different areas you have to choose the right are in the dropdown below Task management. The default is onboarding. Onboarding, offboarding and transitions setup is exactly the same. After you’ve created the tasks and… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article...

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Task management: Checklists

Task management: Checklists

Checklists A checklist is a collection of tasks that must be completed as part of a business process. For example, there might be a checklist that all new employees complete, and one or more other checklists that workers in specific roles must complete. You need to first create the checklist, with just the name and the description. Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on their blog Task management: Checklists Dynamics 365...

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Task Management: Tasks

Task Management: Tasks

A task defines a specific piece of work or an action that someone must complete. You can reuse tasks and add them to one or more checklists. You have to create all the tasks your company is planning on keeping track of. Task setup Task link In the task setup you give it a name and a description, you can set the task group, say if the task is optional or not. You can create a… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on...

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Task management: Task groups

Task management: Task groups

Task groups A task group lets you classify related tasks together. When you add tasks to a checklist, you can filter the list of all tasks by Task group, for example HR tasks, Payroll tasks or IT tasks.Description in D365 HR Task groups are made to make it easier with reporting and defining the different tasks that “belongs” to the different groups. Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on their blog Task...

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Task management: Group assignment and calendar

Task management: Group assignment and calendar

The setup components for task management is group assignment and calendar Group assignment In the group assignment you set up the groups you want to use in the checklist, such as IT and HR. You first have to name the group, then you can add or delete positions to the group. Tasks can be assigned to a group thus giving the positions in that group access to that group. Group… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on their...

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Together we stand: at least 7 Microsoft solutions for HR

Together we stand: at least 7 Microsoft solutions for HR

A few days ago I created a poll on LinkedIn and Twitter to find out how many Microsoft solutions people think exist to support today’s Human Resources challenges. Look at the results! – LinkedIn – – Twitter – I felt inspired to create this article that I hope you like as much as I did writing it. Is longer than usual but it will help you to broaden your horizons and keep in mind how much we…...

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Organisation Setup: Excel add-in

Organisation Setup: Excel add-in

The Excel add-in is, as a consultant, one still of my favorite things with HR, it makes importing data incredible easy. To access the templates where you can manage your data with the help of Microsoft Excel add-in you go to System administration > Links > Office Integration > Document templates. There you can see several templates with connection to different entities. You find the entity… Continue Reading Malin...

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Introduction: Navigation

Introduction: Navigation

Home page of Dynamics 365 Human Resources When you click on Human Resources (top left corner) you go to the homepage no matter where you are in the application Waffle menu Waffle menu is where you easily can navigate to your other Microsoft systems and the administration interface. Hamburger button Hamburger button (Navigation Pane) is used to expand or collapse the… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on their blog...

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Introduction: Data structure

Introduction: Data structure

The main entities of the data structure in Dynamics 365 Human Resources are job, positions and workers. A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities.A position is an individual instance of a job. You can have several positions connected to one job. Job – position You can not have more then one job connected to one position Not two jobs to one position You must always… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s Article on...

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Organisation setup: Jobs

Organisation setup: Jobs

You can create a new job or manage existing jobs from Organization administration -> Jobs or via the Excel add-in. The more information you register, the easier it is to create positions later. Job list You can also copy jobs from another job or create from a template, information will be copied over to the new job. Copy job The sections in a job is: The General tab has name,… Continue Reading Malin Martnes’s...

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Discover your hidden stars with D365 Human Resources

Discover your hidden stars with D365 Human Resources

If I tell you that there’s talent hiding in your company and that you don´t necessarily need to go out and invest in external recruitment when you’ve got a new opening sounds like a lie? Well, let me tell you that with Dynamics 365 Human Resources is possible and I’ll show you how in several ways. Business scenario ´The Power Company´ is hiring different positions: Sales Manager, Chief… Continue Reading Ana...

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Re-branding and updating D365 Talent posts to D365 HR posts

Re-branding and updating D365 Talent posts to D365 HR posts

This blog has been dormant for a long time, sometimes life happens and you don’t have the energy or desire to blog. I’ve come to realise that a lot of the posts I did for Talent should be updated with everything new and rebranded as it now is Dynamics 365 Human Resources. It should make it a lot easier to find my posts (so that future Malin googling stuff can actually find her own posts). I’ve… Continue Reading...

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️ HR Vision: Podcast #03 – HR as a function

️ HR Vision: Podcast #03 – HR as a function

FourVision has a podcast!! And I was invited to take part in it. I had a great time with Ivo discussing Human Resources as a function celebrating the third episode of HR Vision. Expect a relaxed conversation about Human Resources trends, challenges, opportunities, and of course laugh. Because I laugh a lot Find it here: iTunes: Spotify: Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog ?️ HR Vision: Podcast #03 –...

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NTN#94: Podcast con Bruno y Juan! ✈️

NTN#94: Podcast con Bruno y Juan! ✈️

Bruno Capuano y Juan Quijano me han invitado a formar parte del podcast ´No tiene nombre´ y el resultado lo podes escuchar por acá: Eso si, espera mucha información sobre aviones, discusiones sobre bienestar en tiempos de pandemia y por supuesto Dynamics 365 Human Resources y Power Platform. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog NTN#94: Podcast con Bruno y Juan! ✈️ Bruno Capuano y Juan Quijano me han invitado...

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[Guest Blog] The Hidden Power of Mentoring: A Personal Collection of Lessons Learned

[Guest Blog] The Hidden Power of Mentoring: A Personal Collection of Lessons Learned

I’m part of the Tech Community blog! I released a blog about the hidden power of Mentoring. If you want to read it just follow this link and you’ll find the magic: The hidden power of mentoring: a personal collection of lessons learned. (microsoft.com) What do you think about Mentoring? Do you have any advice? Do you want to mentor? Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog [Guest Blog] The Hidden...

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Let's extend D365HR!

Let's extend D365HR!

This works pretty much the same as movie title translation. You’ve got one in Spanish and a completely different one in English. My latest post about extending D365HR is out in Spanish and you can find it here: ¿Extender? Sí, extender. (anainesurrutia.com). I decided this was a good opportunity to write in English as well. So here you go. We all know that D365HR is a solution built to… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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¿Extender? Sí, extender.

¿Extender? Sí, extender.

Hoy comparto con ustedes una entrada para plantear un tema sobre la mesa: personalización de Dynamics 365 Human Resoures. Más precisamente vamos a centrarnos en agregar espacio de trabajo/módulo, PowerApp o un sitio web a la solución. Si bien es completa, y abarca un montón de realidades, es probable que tengas que adaptarla tu compañía. En ese escenario es que entra esta alternativa…. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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MVP Spotlight – Hello World @Microsoft TV

MVP Spotlight – Hello World @Microsoft TV

I was a part of Hello World today and it was amazing! If you want to take part, review past episodes or join the broadcast review the link and have fun. What happened during this episode: Welcome words from April Dunnam and Sweeky Satpathy Pierre Roman talked a bit about Faking DDN I was part of the MVP Spotlight with Glauter Januzzi Cynthia Heng was interviewed by Laurent… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on...

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After party: Bizz Summit ES 2021

After party: Bizz Summit ES 2021

Igual que con Scottish Summit, comparto un post con ustedes sobre el after party del Business Applications Summit España. ¿Qué es un after party en este blog? El post, donde te cuento un poquito del evento y donde encontrar la información para que puedas aprender. Cómo sucede en estos tiempos la creatividad cobró vida, y lo que yo esperaba como un evento online fue un híbrido hermoso…. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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Me invitaron a xpp.dev el podcast!

Me invitaron a xpp.dev el podcast!

Tuve el gusto de formar parte del podcast de xpp.dev y conversé un poco con Juan Antonio Tomás y Adrià Ariste sobre de todo un poco, tecnología, cultura, restaurantes, y muchas cosas más. Si queres ver la grabación del episodio en Twitch podes encontrarlo por acá: Episodio 12: Ana Inés Urrutia y #MSDyn365HR – Twitch Y para encontrar el episodio en plataformas digitales te invito a… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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VIVA la vida | Probando MS Viva Ideas en Microsoft Teams

VIVA la vida | Probando MS Viva Ideas en Microsoft Teams

Alguno de ustedes sabrán que tenemos una nueva solución desarrollada por Microsoft dedicada para mejorar la experiencia del colaborador y su engagement: Microsoft Viva. Se consolida como una nueva solución y que – como una mesa – tiene cuatro patas. Viva Topics Viva Connections Viva Learning Viva Insights Hoy me desperté con ganas de probar el único feature (creo) que… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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BIZZ Summit ES 2021

BIZZ Summit ES 2021

Qué haces el 4 y 5 de junio? Y si en lugar de dormir toda la mañana te apuntas a unas lindas sesiones – gratuitas – con expertos? Hay tanto en este evento que te va a costar elegir. Cada vez falta menos para Business Applications Summit España – El mayor festival de Bizz Apps de España y tengo el gustazo de formar parte. No solo hay un montón de sesiones interesantes en diferentes… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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D365HR: Entendiendo los campos de fecha y hora ⏰

D365HR: Entendiendo los campos de fecha y hora ⏰

Siempre es bueno entender cómo es que funcionan los campos dentro de D365HR, no voy a explicarte el backend, pero si echar un poco de luz para diferenciar estos campos y cómo utilizarlos. Hay 3 tipos de campos relacionados con fecha y hora. 1. Fecha y hora Contienen información combinada entre la fecha, la zona horaria y la hora. Es el tipo de campo recomendado cuando es necesario… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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D365 HR + Excel add in: parte 2.

D365 HR + Excel add in: parte 2.

En el artículo anterior te conté qué es Excel add in, de que va y cómo podemos usarlo. PERO si algo sabemos es que en tecnología (y en la vida?), sin evidencia no hay amor. Entonces hoy me puse las pilas y te voy a mostrar cómo funciona en un escenario sencillo. Después complejizamos. Little by little. Escenario: Agregar 1 departamento a tu compañía Módulo: Administración de la… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article...

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MSDynamicsWorld: Taking a unique path to a career in Dynamics 365 HR and Power Platform.

MSDynamicsWorld: Taking a unique path to a career in Dynamics 365 HR and Power Platform.

See below the article MS Dynamics World, find the original one here: Microsoft Dynamics Profile: Taking a unique path to a career in Dynamics 365 HR and Power Platform | MSDynamicsWorld.com Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog MSDynamicsWorld: Taking a unique path to a career in Dynamics 365 HR and Power Platform. Taking a unique path to a career in Dynamics 365 HR and Power Platform – Ana Inés Urrutia...

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:: Microsoft Build ::

:: Microsoft Build ::

So, Microsoft Build is around the corner and we are starting to build our schedules. I’m super happy to share with you that I’ll be a part of it sharing an amazing session with two amazing human beings. My tips: #1: Register here: Microsoft Build 2021 – Home – Microsoft Build 2021 #2: Build your schedule, see all the sessions here: MyBuild – Session catalog (microsoft.com) #3: Make… Continue Reading...

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Democratizar para conquistar con D365 HR

Democratizar para conquistar con D365 HR

Hola a todos! Hace poco tuve el gustazo de formar parte de El Rincón Dynamics en su celebración 10+1. Fue un evento muy lindo, con tremenda producción y que generó un montón de material en español (sí, contenido en español!!!) que podes chequear por acá: El Rincón Dynamics – YouTube Acá abajo te dejo la web del evento, para que veas las charlas disponibles y quienes son los… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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D365 HR + Excel add-in: ¿qué es?

D365 HR + Excel add-in: ¿qué es?

Para quienes trabajamos en Recursos Humanos, las planillas de Excel suelen ser nuestros aliados #1. Estamos acostumbrados a archivar una cantidad interesante – mayor a la que nos gustaría admitir – de información combinada. Admitámoslo hoy: no es la mejor solución ni para archivar data de nuestros empleados, ni para trabajar de forma diaria, ni para resolver los desafíos del área…. Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Azure en el Bar – Capítulo 22

Azure en el Bar – Capítulo 22

Ayer tuve el gustazo de participar de la mesa de Azure en el Bar, con un plantel de LUJAZO! Conversamos sorbe nuestros caminos, cómo llegamos a tecnología, por qué escribir un libro es importante y cómo la tecnología logra transformar la forma de acercarnos al mundo y a nuestros clientes. Te invito a verlo y a mantenerte al tanto de las mesas que se vienen. <a… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog...

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A research: Mental health, Workplace, and Lockdown

A research: Mental health, Workplace, and Lockdown

Last week I released a poll on Twitter to find out the topics that were interesting for people regarding lockdown. As you can see in the image below, 62,5% of the audience were interested in Mental Health. For those who don´t know it yet, I’m a Psychologist and the topic that drives the career is People and Mental Health in different scenarios. It might be a workplace, a school, prisons, and… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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⚡️ Meetup Power Platform Paraguay ⚡️

⚡️ Meetup Power Platform Paraguay ⚡️

Un nuevo capítulo de Meetup Power Platform Paraguay y tuve el gustazo de ser invitada y compartir un poquito de mi experiencia con Dynamics 365 Recursos Humanos. No se pierdan la sesión de la poderosa Mar Pedroche y su charla sobre Customer Voice. Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog ⚡️ Meetup Power Platform Paraguay ⚡️ Un nuevo capítulo de Meetup Power Platform Paraguay y tuve el gustazo de ser invitada y...

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The D365HR Journey: Leave and Absence ️

The D365HR Journey: Leave and Absence ️

Welcome to another episode of The D365 HR Journey, today spotting the Leave and Absence module. A quick overview of features and analytics related to leave and absence of the workforce. Why I love it? Quick overview of all plans Easy way to see enrollments Simple creation of plans Assign to employees/contractors button BONUS: Analytics! They are just gold, go over the video recording… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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The D365HR Journey: Personnel Management

The D365HR Journey: Personnel Management

Hey there! Welcome to the Personnel Management episode of the D365HR Journey. I can´t deny it, this is my absolute favorite one! In the past – as an HR Analyst I needed to track all worker’s information in Excel spreadsheets, and that was exhausting… when I just started working with D365HR I find out about this module and it solves all of my immediate issues, hence I fell in love with the… Continue Reading Ana...

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Aprendemos todos: MS Learn en español

Aprendemos todos: MS Learn en español

Hace un montón que no escribo en español! Tenía ganas de volver con una entrada sobre cómo – aquellos que no se sienten cómodos con el inglés – pueden acceder a recursos de aprendizaje al rededor de Power Platform y Dynamics. Si no sabes por donde empezar, y queres aprender sobre tecnología – desde el rol que sea – hay una herramienta que puede acompañarte: Microsoft Learn. Podes… Continue Reading Ana...

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The D365HR Journey: Manager Self-Service

The D365HR Journey: Manager Self-Service

Welcome to the third episode of the D365HR Journey, this one I’m showing you Manager Self-Service. This is a great one, it helps to manage employees in a simple, easy, and intuitive way. Why I love it? Managers updated with the latest request for employees Easy overview of reporting workers Separate sections for every HR process Overview of second-line reports processes and requests … Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Happy First Year

Happy First Year

It’s been a year since I launched this webpage. What was the idea behind it? To share my experience and try my best to support other’s paths. I think it was worth it. I’ve been sharing tech, personal, transformation, and more tech content with you all, some of the articles have been in Spanish but most of them in English – I promise I’ll start sharing more content in Spanish soon 🙂 Still… Continue...

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The one with the Dataverse Integration

The one with the Dataverse Integration

I’ve been working lately with my favorite Landlord, a.k.a. Laurynas Merkelis | LinkedIn, on a secret mission. Is the first time we work on a project together and even when is recent, I’m already facing lessons learned. So I tried to summarize them and create an article from most of them, the first lesson is The one with the Dataverse Integration. Let’s go through the process – that you can… Continue...

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The D365HR Journey: Employee Self-Service

The D365HR Journey: Employee Self-Service

Second episode on The D365HR Journey, in this case, we are going to cover Employee Self-Service. I’m completely in love with this module because of how easy is for employees to manage their own request and edit information – believe it or not – this is a massive pressure release for HR People. Why I love it? Employees are free to update their own information Easy overview of accrued leave… Continue Reading Ana...

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⚡️ Power Platform Starter Days ⚡️

⚡️ Power Platform Starter Days ⚡️

Hello everyone! I’m more than happy to introduce you Power Platform Starter Days. An event created for starters looking for a job in tech. The idea behind this whole event is to help people land a job in tech. What is it? A 4-weekend event designed to support people interested in starting a job in tech. What should you expect as an attendee? Learn about different technologies around… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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The D365HR Journey: People

The D365HR Journey: People

First episode of The D365HR Journey: about the People module/workspace within Dynamics 365 Human Resources. Why I love it? All in one dashboard full of information Hierarchy view Simple interface Full of useful information for managers BONUS: Easy way to verify employment https://video.wixstatic.com/video/135432_1a4d0c82588649fda89f69bfc6093971/1080p/mp4/file.mp4 Feel free to drop… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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⚡️ The D365HR Journey ⚡️

⚡️ The D365HR Journey ⚡️

Hi everyone! I’m super excited to announce an upcoming video series I decided to call The D365HR Journey. For those who don’t know yet Dynamics 365 Human Resources will be a short and very useful series of video recordings diving into the modules. For those who already know D365HR this might be a good refresh Our first stop will be the People module. These videos are less than 5 minutes… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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4 challenges : 1 solution = D365 HR

4 challenges : 1 solution = D365 HR

It’s been a while since my latest post and I wanted to come back with a strong post just to remind the whole idea behind this blog: Dynamics 365 Human Resources rocks ✊! I can´t deny it, I’m a challenge solver. I tend to analyze my personal experiences within HR departments and roles I’ve worked on before and try to think about how I could use technology to make things easier. Lesson… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Scottish Summit 2021 – The After Party

Scottish Summit 2021 – The After Party

Hi everyone! In case you miss any Scottish Summit 2021 session, here is the channel where you can find the recordings: Scottish Summit – YouTube. Make sure you take advantage of all the shared knowledge from people all over the world. There are great presentations, and more will be uploaded soon in multiple languages. Below you’ll find my session. In this presentation, I cover the three… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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Hiring made easy:  Hands-on

Hiring made easy: Hands-on

Welcome to this new format I decided to share with you all. I decided to start with pain point #1 for Human Resources: Hiring process. In the recording, you’ll watch me hire an employee and accessing the record with all the information. https://video.wixstatic.com/video/135432_0001ce5abaa643b2844fb6ebe728fd66/1080p/mp4/file.mp4 Hope you like it! Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s Article on their blog Hiring made easy: ?...

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Mobile experience: D365 HR Teams App.

Mobile experience: D365 HR Teams App.

I wanted to share with you the employee experience with the Teams App for Dynamics 365 Human Resources. But before we need to set up everything to make this happen, make sure you follow these links. Install the App: Manage leave requests in Teams – Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs Enable notifications for HR App in Teams: Human Resources app in Teams – Human Resources |… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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The Power Chatform ☕️ | We´re all inmigrants

The Power Chatform ☕️ | We´re all inmigrants

A few weeks ago, the great MCJ, invited me and Larry to chat about everything. We talked about a lot of stuff, professional and personal – because we can´t separate work from life, right? I invite you to follow these steps: Go and get Larry and MCJ on social: Matt Collins-Jones | LinkedIn Matt Collins-Jones – YouTube Matt Collins-Jones | MCJ (@D365Geek) / Twitter Laurynas… Continue Reading Ana Inés Urrutia’s...

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My favorite D365 HR Analytics

My favorite D365 HR Analytics

The inspiration for this entry: my younger self. This is the kind of content I would have liked to read when entering the world of Human Resources instead of a massive amount of hours reading about interview techniques. Ok, so what brings us today here is one of the golden tools that we can use in HR – and in life – to work smarter and with a solid base: Analytics. Is not new that Analytics… Continue Reading Ana Inés...

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