Business Central System App is Open Source! Contribute, don't be shy…

With the recent Wave II release of Business Central we also got the first wave of Open Source in our beloved NAV/BC product.

This means that rather than making customization for one specific customer or ISV you can now have this pushed back into the product and stay there forever.

Today I did my first Pull Request and I wanted to share how I did that.

What did I need?

With reports,…

Continue Reading Mark Brummel’s Article on their blog

Business Central System App is Open Source! Contribute, don't be shy…

With the recent Wave II release of Business Central we also got the first wave of Open Source in our beloved NAV/BC product. This means that rather than making customization for one specific customer or ISV you can now have this pushed back into the product and stay there forever.

Blog Syndicated with Mark Brummel’s Permission

Author: Marije Brummel

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