Automated Release Notes for your (D365) Azure DevOps – project

Ever since I used Azure DevOps (or or VS online) as a version control system and to build and release Dynamics AX code to different environments, I wanted a neat and simple way to auto generate release notes.
So this time I want to show you, how we can use Azure DevOps to auto create Release Notes and even get them published into your DevOps wiki.
After some digging around on…

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Automated Release Notes for your (D365) Azure DevOps – project

Ever since I used Azure DevOps (or or VS online) as a version control system and to build and release Dynamics AX code to different environments, I wanted a neat and simple way to auto generate release notes. So this time I want to show you, how we can use Azure DevOps to auto…

Blog Syndicated with Marijan’s Permission

Author: Marijan

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