By default, we can only specify the contact associated with the customer for the case record. If we try specifying a contact record that is not associated with the Customer
By default, we can only specify the contact associated with the customer for the case record. If we try specifying a contact record that is not associated with the Customer
With the Associated Grid Control we can configure and show up four subgrids in the form, making it a more intuitive and cleaner form layout, with ease of navigation. Below
We can make use of the OptionSet Wrapper component to show color-coded options on the form for the choices or option set fields. Below we have added the Option Set
To enable the new lead experience, navigate to App Settings >> Lead + opportunity management in the Sales Hub App. On enabling it, we get the option to specify whether
Using the SuppressCallbackRegistrationExpanderJob optional parameter in our Request object, we can bypass the execution of the flows registered against that particular event/trigger. We have a flow registered on the update