The USD Accelerator is a pre-build Unified Service Desk configuration aimed at helping speed your USD project. This post will highlight the enhancements and bug fixes released in version 2_0_0_2
The USD Accelerator is a pre-build Unified Service Desk configuration aimed at helping speed your USD project. This post will highlight the enhancements and bug fixes released in version 2_0_0_2
I am about to take the MB2-719 certification, this certification covers the Dynamics 365 for Marketing Application. I plan to create a series of blog posts that collectively should help
I am about to take the MB2-719 certification, this certification covers the Dynamics 365 for Marketing Application. I plan to create a series of blog posts that collectively should help
I am about to take the MB2-719 certification, this certification covers the Dynamics 365 for Marketing Application. I plan to create a series of blog posts that collectively should help
The USD Accelerator is a pre-build Unified Service Desk configuration aimed at helping speed your USD project. It comes in two version, one supporting the traditional Dynamics 365 web client