Attaching files to a record through Canvas Apps, using the Common Data Service Connector

I found this very cool little piece of functionality that allows you to attach a document directly to a record within a canvas app by leveraging standard functionality within the Common Data Service (CDS) Connector within Power Platform.
Now, this may seem silly, but previously I had been using SharePoint, Flow and all sorts of other creative little techniques to store documentation. I had…

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Attaching files to a record through Canvas Apps, using the Common Data Service Connector

I found this very cool little piece of functionality that allows you to attach a document directly to a record within a canvas app by leveraging standard functionality within the Common Data Service (CDS) Connector within Power Platform. Now, this may seem silly, but previously I had been using SharePoint, Flow and all sorts of other creative little techniques to store documentation.

Blog Syndicated with Chris Huntingford’s Permission

Author: TattooedCRMGuy

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