Applying XSLT transformation using the XML Task in SSIS – Nishant Rana’s Weblog

Using the XML Task component in SSIS we can apply XSLT to the input XML file.

Recently we had a requirement to read data from XML file and create/update corresponding records in Dynamics 365 CE. For the child entity tags in the XML, we wanted to insert some of the tags (key) from the parent to the child so that it can be easily used for mapping and setting the parent lookup.

For that we had used Foreach Loop Container to read the XML file, then had applied XSLT transformation using the…

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Applying XSLT transformation using the XML Task in SSIS – Nishant Rana’s Weblog

Blog Syndicated with Nishant Rana’s Permission

Author: Nishant Rana

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