About ISV’s, Being Stubborn and Flexibility

Let’s start with a short story.

The year is 2014 and the world was spinning as it did until March this year with mass tourism and in person events.

With the release of NAV 2013R2 and later 2015 our community was just starting to embrace the three tier concept and the Role Tailored Client. Nobody had heard of events or extensions. The economy is booming and everyone is busy not worrying…

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About ISV’s, Being Stubborn and Flexibility

Let’s start with a short story. The year is 2014 and the world was spinning as it did until March this year with mass tourism and in person events. With the release of NAV 2013R2 and later 2015 our community was just starting to embrace the three tier concept and the Role Tailored Client.

Blog Syndicated with Mark Brummel’s Permission

Author: Marije Brummel

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