Microsoft have designed the sales system in Dynamics to follow the traditional sales process from lead to invoice.
There is flexibility and you can join the process mid-way or omit stages. You can also integrate 3rd party sales or finance systems in to the system.
A quote outlines the price a seller is willing to charge a buyer for goods or services. It serves as a formal offer, allowing the buyer to understand the costs involved before deciding whether to proceed with the purchase.
First open the opportunity you wish to create an order from
Click New Quote and you’ll open a quote page with the details completed
If you added any products to the opportunity, these will be added to the quote
In the Quotes section of Dynamics Sales, choose +New and complete the customer and product details
Select +Add Product from the Products subgrid in your quote and
The products from your opportunity will be added automatically. If you need to add the products from the opportunity to the quote again, open the Opportunity and select Get Products. You can also use this button to add products from other opportunities – just click the button and choose the opportunity you wish to copy its products from.
This method shows your products in an easy to search grid which allows you to search and select products much faster. You’ll need to enable the enhanced experience to use this method
Click +Add Product as before, but now you’ll see a new look product grid. All on one screen you can
Our AMS Grid product takes the functionality of the enhanced grid further. The AMS grid is a fast-to-use grid which can be customised for all types of data types including products. It’s a proven way of quickly searching for and editing thousands of records with no performance loss.
When your quote is finished, you’ll want to send it to your potential customer. Before you can send it, you must change its status from Draft to Active. To activate a quote, just click the Activate Quote button from the command bar
From the command bar, select Word Templates, then choose an appropriate template
From the command bar, select Export to PDF
From this new window, choose the template you wish to use, check the preview. The PDF is now ready to be used. You can
For many of our customers we recommend mscrm-addons’ DocumentsCorePack. This plugin enhances the built in quote document templates and features. It improves on the standard functionality
To change any details in a quote, it’s not as simple as opening the quote and editing it. You cannot edit an active quote.
To edit a quote you must create a revision, not edit the original. This is intentional design from Microsoft, so that changes are tracked using version numbers so you and your customer agree on the contents of each quote in time.
Press the Revise button in the command bar to create a new draft version of the quote. You’ll see a new Revision ID, showing that a new version has been created and giving it an incremented version number.
When you and your customer are agreed, it’s time to create an order. The order is the agreement to fulfil the goods or services described in the quote.
There’s two ways of creating an order in Dynamics
From the version of the active quote you have agreed on, click Create Order in the command bar
You can add a note and close the corresponding opportunity if you like.
When you create an order, the corresponding quote cannot be modified
If the quote was lost, it’s good practice to close it, so that you have a record for your business intelligence reports in the future.
Some customers will know what they want and have pre-agreed the price with you. You can set up an order directly
Once an order is marked as Cancelled, the order becomes read only and can’t be amended or reinstated by a user. To undo a cancelled order in Dynamics, you’ll need to change the status from Canceled to Pending. You can’t make this change with any of the out of the box features, so you’ll need to create a workflow to change the status from Canceled to Pending.
You can create an invoice from an order, either when it has been fulfilled or when it was first created
Many users create Business Process Flows in each section of the system. These flows control the stages which users go through to complete data for each section. For instance, a Business Process Flow could split the lead creation process into 4 areas, each of which must be completed before user can move to the next area and move the lead to an opportunity.
The post Step-by-Step Guide to Quotes and Orders in Dynamics Sales appeared first on All My Systems.
Check Pete Murray’s original post on which was published 2024-08-27 14:01:00