You control the decision, not the outcome #HoskWisdom
There are no right answers, there is only questions and finding out why. There is no certainty, we have questions, ideas and our ability to make good decisions.
The more you think you know, the less you question and the more assumptions affect your decisions.
When you believe you are an expert, you stop listening to other people because you believe there is nothing more to learn. This gives you less information to make decisions with and unable to adapt to changes.
“You cannot make progress without making decisions.” Jim Rohn
A good outcome can come from the wrong decision.
A bad outcome can come from a good decision.
The feedback we get from our decisions comes from the outcome but outcomes are not guaranteed with luck and other variables affecting the outcome.
We can’t control the outcome but we can control are decision making process. There are occasions where people make the right decision with incorrect logic. This works in the short term because of probability and luck but in the long term the results are based on thinking and quality of your decision making process.
Long term success is based on your critical thinking skills and your ability to solve problems. Environments constantly change and the actions that brought you success yesterday might not work tomorrow.
System thinking says yesterdays solutions are tomorrows problems and this is due to second order effect, unintended outcomes and the environment changes.
You need to make decisions, reflect on the feedback and adjust if you need to.
Don’t be certain, question, clarify and find the why. Being curious helps you uncover information to make better decisions, inquiry helps clarify assumptions.
Certainty in your ideas, stops you changing and adapting to change. It can lead you down the wrong path and your ego can stop you changing your mind.
Situation changes and you have to align with it.
picture from here
Why you should listen more than you talk
The Knowledge Project #89 — Maria Konnikova — Less Certainty, More Inquiry
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