Continuing my certification journey with the new Role Based Dynamics 365 for Sales exam (MB-210). At the time of writing this exam was still in BETA. Although this certificate is more focused on the functional users of Sales, it also helps to have some basic knowledge of customization and configuration. Again, this is not the main focus for this certificate but you can refer to my Dynamics 365 Core exam preparation guide for more information on customization and configuration. Also, be sure check the excellent Dynamics 365 for Sales revision guide created by Neil Parkhurst.
As usual, when I’m preparing for an exam, I take a detailed look at the topics covered in content section. They are the baseline used in this blog post. I advice you to create your own trial environment and to actually perform the steps you have learned. Hope it helps you in preparing for the exam.
Skills measured in MB-210
Perform configuration (40-45%)
Configure sales settings
Configure sales territories
configure default revenue type
configure auto number settings
configure business closures
configure fiscal year
configure currencies
configure sales team roles
configure sales security roles
configure goal management components
create and manage sales collateral
configure relationship cards
Configure processes
Configure record creation rules
configure out of the box sales business process flows
Create and configure sales visualizations
Configure sales content pack for Power BI
configure sales dashboards
design and create sales charts
execute and analyze sales reports
Configure integration with external sales applications
Implement Sales Insights
implement social selling assistant
implement LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Manage core sales entities (20-25%)
Create and manage leads
Create and manage opportunities
Manage sales entities (35-40%)
Create and manage quotes
Create and manage sales order processing
Create and manage product and product catalog
Good luck!
Original Post