Hi All, In this blog, let’s explore on using Azure Logic Apps functions similar to Power Apps with deeper integration.
We are going to send Christmas greetings mail to the Customers while posting the Sales Invoice.
Create a Azure Subscription account and then go to All Services and choose the Logic Apps.
Click Create and then enter Name, Subscription, Resource Group & Location in the following page.
Once it is created, you can see the Logic Apps with Active state.
We are going to create 3 simple steps or actions in Logic Apps which will help to send Christmas & New Year Greetings messages to our Customers.
The steps are displayed in the above image and now let’s see how to create it one by one.
In the Logic App, search for the ‘Business Central’ and choose the trigger mentioned.
Input the information as per your instance
Now, create the next step which is action for the first trigger. Check for ‘Get Record’ and choose it.
Fill in Environment Name, Company Name, Table Name and Row ID as a Dynamic Content, choose the Row ID as displayed.
The Next step or action is to choose Sending Email. We can use any email providers like Gmail or outlook. I’m going to use SendGrid (Twilio) because of the built-in Outlook Editor availability. At first, create a Free tier SendGrid account and then link its API in Logic Apps.
To create a New API key in SendGrid, Navigate to the following path
Fill in the template as per your wish. Choose the Dynamic content ‘CustomerName’ similar to Row ID selected.
Now, Save the App and go to Business Central->Sales Invoices->Create and Post the Invoice.
Once Posted, you can check the Logic App ‘Run History’ to check stage by stage status of the App.
After succeeding all the stages, the Greetings Email will be generated to the Customer’s email.
Let’s send wishes and share happiness with everyone!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020 to All!!