Power Automate Convert a String to GUID

Convert a string to guid in Power Automate

Suppose you need to create a new globally unique identifier (GUID). In that case, Power Automate provides guid() function which generates and returns a new GUID as string. It is a useful function, but it doesn’t create a GUID based on string we provide, the way it works in C#. This post will explain how to convert a string into GUID format with dashes (with or without curly braces).


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Power Automate Convert a String to GUID

Suppose you need to create a new globally unique identifier (GUID). In that case, Power Automate provides guid() function which generates and returns a new GUID as string. It is a useful function, but it doesn’t create a GUID based on string we provide, the way it works in C#.

Blog Syndicated with Yawer Iqbal’s Permission

Author: Yawer Iqbal

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