SQL 4 CDS - querying teamroles


In my previous post on the SQL 4 CDS XRMToolbox tool, Dynamics 365 tool you should use — SQL 4 CDS, I used it to check for deactivated workflows, get versions and export data.

I have been using it to verify my releases have worked correctly.

After I run a release I check for deactivated workflows and business rules.

I am using AD Group and AAD Security group teams (Dynamics 365…

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SQL 4 CDS - querying teamroles

In my previous post on the SQL 4 CDS XRMToolbox tool, Dynamics 365 tool you should use - SQL 4 CDS, I used it to check for deactivated workflows, get versions and export data. I have been using it to verify my releases have worked correctly. After I run a release I check for deactivated workflows…

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Author: Ben Hosking

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