Dynamics 365 Product Ownership
Full Show Notes: https://www.nz365guy.com/11
In This Episode
Journey to Product Owner based on Dynamics 365
Product Leadership
Product owner of MMS built on the Dynamics 365 platform
Challenges with being a product owner
How is the product sold and marketed?
How to future-proof your product when technology is always changing
Quality control
Roadmap Planning
Creating and managing what goes into the roadmap
How to keep up with the changes that Microsoft releases
Why use Dynamics 365?
Challenges with using Dynamics 365
Agile Product Management
Strengths of Agile Development for long-term projects
A typical Agile day
Meeting Customer Demands
Meeting multiple customer demands
How to manage expectations
Bugs that customers report
Coming up with innovative ideas
Incorporating user feedback
Communicating Product Development
Communication strategy
Team Cooperation
Build team structure for your product development
How to keep the team excited about the product years after the product launch
Key skills you need in a team that is building a product on Dynamics 365
Marica has a background in Business and IT from Stockholm University.
For the last five years, she worked with Dynamics Customer Engagement. Including testing, deploying and being responsible for business requirements and designing of the MMS solution based on customer needs.
She is the product Owner and main Solution Architect of one of Innofactors products that are targeting trade unions and member organisations in Nordic countries.
Books Mentioned
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell http://amzn.to/2CjB55W
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell http://amzn.to/2Dst1wr
Innofactor http://www.innofactor.com
MMS http://www.innofactor.com/customers/kommunal
The Five Whys https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Whys
Product Auditing by FASTPATH https://www.gofastpath.com/grc-for-dynamics-365
Headspace https://www.headspace.com (25% off link)
Todoit https://en.todoist.com
Music Credits
I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque