What’s coming in Customer Insights-Journeys in December-March?

At the time of the release of this post, we’re waiting on the December ’23 release for Customer Insights – Journeys, it’s hopefully right around the corner. Because there are so many features there I think will have a huge (positive, just to be clear) impact on users, I thought I would write something about some of them. I don’t think I can remember a period in the release plans where I’ve…

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What’s coming in Customer Insights-Journeys in December-March?

Customer Insights – Journeys are introducing numerous features aimed at enhancing real-time marketing. These include enhanced email engagement, customizable fonts, set quiet times, data capture from third-party forms, improved lead qualification, web interaction tracking, journey templates, and advanced bot protection among others.

Blog Syndicated with Malin Martnes’s Permission

Author: Malin Martnes

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