Nesse vídeo vamos aprender o que são fluxos de trabalho, conhecer as principais tecnologias disponíveis no SharePoint para criarmos workflows. Além disso … source
Nesse vídeo vamos aprender o que são fluxos de trabalho, conhecer as principais tecnologias disponíveis no SharePoint para criarmos workflows. Além disso … source
I was onsite recently with a client making a Workflow project live and encountered a lock on the workflow we needed to amend. There were no users logged into the
Introduction: We often configure email notification for workflows but to approve them User needs to Login and navigate to Request to approve page in NAV. What if we get a
Reading Time: 2 minutes It comes as no surprise that Microsoft have announced the gradual decommissioning of the “classic” workflow engine within Dynamics365. I have been keeping an eye on
All Workflow Approvers Need A Display name in AD – azurecurve Skip to content By continuing to use the site (by scrolling or navigating), you agree to the use of