Quick Tips – a succinct post which handles a specific tip or topic; not requiring too much explanation or guidance. One of my favourite actions in a Workflow is the
Quick Tips – a succinct post which handles a specific tip or topic; not requiring too much explanation or guidance. One of my favourite actions in a Workflow is the
There are a lot of people with nicknames in the D365 community, The CRM Chart Guy, The API Guy, EmojiMegs; these are people synonymous with either a feature or areas
In the first two parts to this blog series, we learned how to create a simple letter/mailmerge as well as Quotes using repeating lines in a table. These are some
We learned in my previous post, Word Template – Introductions, how to create a simple Word template but now we want to do a bit more. I showed how to
Word Templates are one of my favourite unsung heroes of Dynamics 365. They are great, they allow you to create quick and easy templates which can be used by individuals