Join us on our weekly catch up call, live from the US and New Zealand. We will be discussing a range of topics that may include: Microsoft Microsoft Business Applications
Join us on our weekly catch up call, live from the US and New Zealand. We will be discussing a range of topics that may include: Microsoft Microsoft Business Applications
My 14th weekly update video, 22nd November 2019. This week I was in London delivering a session in the Microsoft Reactor office and am working towards deadlines before I head
Join us on our weekly catch up call, live from the US and New Zealand. We will be discussing a range of topics that may include: Microsoft Microsoft Business Applications
Join us on our weekly catch up call, live from the US and New Zealand. We will be discussing a range of topics that may include: Microsoft Microsoft Business Applications
My 13th weekly update video, 14th November 2019. I’m back home after being in Orlando for Microsoft Ignite and it’s all been about catching up and creating content and more