OK, let’s recognize – passwords suck. Password resets and account lockouts are what make passwords suck. For IT teams, passwords are a never-ending pain point. Between security risks, inefficiencies, and
OK, let’s recognize – passwords suck. Password resets and account lockouts are what make passwords suck. For IT teams, passwords are a never-ending pain point. Between security risks, inefficiencies, and
In this first presentation to warm us up for Scottish Summit On Tour, Mesut Durukal highlights how we can utilise AI to expand our software testing. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mesutdurukal/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DurukalMesut
Zero to Hero : https://www.dantas.ca/zero-to-hero 12 PM – Mountain Time 2 PM – Eastern Time 7PM – London 8 PM – Paris source
Details: https://www.dantas.ca/zero-to-hero Danish Naglekar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danishnaglekar/ source
Zero to Hero Dataverse Study Group in Spanish: https://www.linkedin.com/events/dataversezerotohero-episodio1-q6886181634010300416/about/ Nico Fernandez: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nfernandezba/ Calgary Power Challenge: https://events.powercommunity.com/calgary-power-challenge/ Zero to Hero English Group: https://www.linkedin.com/events/zerotohero2021session4theinterg6887765811839270914/about/ source